Post-Easter News bouquet

I hope you spent well the Easter holiday and you had enough time for relaxing.

Luckily I feel good and the last week was really great. Therefore I would like to give you a post-Easter news bucket in this week. πŸ™‚

1. Action required: Azure Database

Maybe you also received an email with this subject. If not, you should know, Microsoft is going to change the public endpoint IP of MySQL, PostgreSQL Single server, and MariaDB in more regions.

Change time window: 20 May 2020 00:00 UTC – 30 June 2020 00:00 UTC.

Recommended action:

  • Ensure the firewall allows outbound traffic on port 3306 for MySQL/MariaDB and port 5432 for PostgreSQL to the new IP address(es).
  • Connect to your Azure Database for MySQL, PostgreSQL Single server, and MariaDB using the DNS record instead of the IP address.

2. Temporarily halted any deprecation enforcement of TLS 1.0 and 1.1

Since 2018 we know the TLS 1.0 and 1.1 will be deprecated in 2020. Nevertheless, due to the known reason, Microsoft postpone this until middle of summer.

Some articles in this topic:

3. Azure Monitor for virtual machines is now generally available

Yesterday, Microsoft updated their earlier announcement about Azure Monitoring for VMs. To be honest, I was very happy about the original announcement because I already liked this feature in preview.

You can find more information here: Azure Monitor for virtual machines is now generally available

4. Azure Monitor Logs new create workspace experience

My other favorite area regarding Azure Monitoring is Azure Monitor Logs. Some days before Easter informed us about Azure Monitor Logs new create workspace experience.

As they say:

The workspace creation experience has been modernized and there’s a new, full-screen create experience.

Azure Monitor Logs new create workspace experience

Is it better or not? What do you think? πŸ™‚

5. Logic Apps improvement

Finally, a small but good news. Microsoft continues the improvement of Logic Apps for better usage and better automation. They started that in last November: Workflow automation with Logic Apps. And now they provided the actual progress. You can find the new announcement here: Workflow automation with Logic Apps

Have a great spring and take care. πŸ™‚

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