Technical Thursday – Ansible and Azure (initiative)

Automation. It is a nice topic and it is important day by day to make our life easier. There are several very good tools for automation such as Puppet, Chef, Ansible.

I would like to start a serie which covers several topics regarding Azure management with Ansible. This is the first article in this serie. Here I provide some external articles as fundamentals of knowledge. Then I will provide additional topics, scenarios, case studies and examples wit Ansible. Some of these articles will be published as Technical Thursday related articles and some of them will be published as standalone posts. 🙂


Why Ansible?

According to the official site: “Working in IT, you’re likely doing the same tasks over and over. What if you could solve problems once and then automate your solutions going forward? Ansible is here to help.”

Nevertheless during my tasks I often meet with Ansible related topics and solutions. In second hand Azure offers some options for this. For more information you can read the official documentation from Microsoft here.


Ansible articles

As I mentioned you can find some basic articles for Ansible which are great fundamentals for start learning.


So all together it’s time to start learning Ansible…