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AWS – AWS Service Catalog announces a new console feature to directly access resources within a Provisioned Product
Today, AWS Service Catalog is releasing a feature that helps to simplify builders’ access to the resources associated with their Provisioned Products. Previously, customers had to manually navigate through the AWS console to find a specific resource. With this feature, they can easily locate and access the resource of a provisioned product, right in the […]

GCP – Google Cloud Certification success story: Meet Gabby
Setting a goal of achieving a certification is a personal and professional milestone! Each journey to certification is different though and it is dependent on many factors such as prior experience, exposure to technology, motivation, and more. This month we’d like to feature one particular journey of our colleague Gabby – Customer Engineer, Application Modernization […]

Azure – Generally available: Azure Data Explorer supports multiple databases per data connection
Dynamically route Azure Data Explorer data to an alternate database Read More for the details.

Azure – Public preview: Intelligent cache for Apache Spark in Azure Synapse
Accelerate Apache Spark in Azure Synapse execution speed using the new intelligent cache feature. Read More for the details.

Azure – Public preview: User-assigned managed identities in Stream Analytics
You can now use user-assigned managed identity to authenticate your Stream Analytics jobs to inputs and outputs without ever having to worry about credential management. Read More for the details.

GCP – The key role ‘visibility’ plays in healthcare’s cybersecurity resilience
When technology just works, it’s easy to trust. But too often, we place our trust in technology that doesn’t deserve it. When we do this with technology to provide healthcare, we put the safety of patients and the security and reliability of our global healthcare system at risk. The institutions that make up our global […]

Azure – General availability: Azure Machine Learning user-defined functions in Azure Stream Analytics
Machine Learning user-defined function in Stream Analytics allows you to perform high throughput, low latency, real-time predictions, allowing you to act on insights which have a very short shelf-life. Read More for the details.

GCP – Introduction to Google Cloud
Imagine you are a Google Cloud Architect for foo.com, an internet accessible application. There are many different ways to architect such an application on Google Cloud; no one way is right or wrong. Let’s examine one approach, from the perspective of a generic request flow for when a user opens the browser and types foo.com […]

AWS – AWS Cost Anomaly Detection now supports resource and tag based access management
AWS Cost Anomaly Detection now supports resource and tag-based access controls for easy management and access to cost anomaly monitors and alert subscriptions. You can now define AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies to specify fine-grained permissions for AWS Cost Anomaly Detection monitors and alert subscriptions based on their resource names and tags, improving governance […]
AWS – AWS Proton support for Terraform Open Source is now Generally Available
AWS Proton support for defining infrastructure in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) and provisioning infrastructure using Terraform Open Source is now generally available in all regions where Proton is available. Platform teams can now define AWS Proton templates using Terraform modules, in addition to CloudFormation. AWS Proton leverages the customer-managed Terraform automation to provision or update […]