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AWS – AppStream 2.0 enables custom session scripts for Elastic fleets
Amazon AppStream 2.0 announces session scripts for Elastic fleets. Amazon AppStream 2.0 Elastic fleets help customers remove capacity management tasks and reduce costs. Starting today, AppStream 2.0 Elastic fleets provides on-instance session scripts. These scripts simplify common scenarios for AppStream 2.0 Elastic fleets administrators. You can use these scripts to run your own custom actions […]

GCP – Your ultimate guide to Speech on Google Cloud
Thanks to AI, speaking out loud has become a primary way of not only communicating with machines (like when you tell your smartphone to send a text or ask your smart speaker about the weather), but also enriching human interactions (such as generating captions in near real-time during a video meeting). In this post, we’ll […]

AWS – New datasets available on the Registry of Open Data from Space Telescope Science Institute, DNAStack, National Archives and Records Administration, and others
Read below for the 16 new or updated datasets from Space Telescope Science Institute, DNAStack, National Archives and Records Administration, and others available on the Registry of Open Data in the following categories. Read More for the details.

AWS – Amazon CloudWatch Metric Streams adds support for additional statistics
Amazon CloudWatch announces support for additional statistics such as percentiles on CloudWatch Metric Streams. With Metric Streams, you can create a continuous, near real-time stream of metrics to a destination of your choice. Now with these additional statistics you can gain increased visibility on metric patterns and trends, to more effectively monitor the health and […]

AWS – Amazon SageMaker Canvas is now available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region
Starting today, Amazon SageMaker Canvas is generally available in the AWS Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region. Read More for the details.

AWS – Introducing the Amazon CloudFront Ready Program
We are excited to announce the new Amazon CloudFront Ready Program for AWS Partners with software products that integrate with Amazon CloudFront. As customers have shifted to building applications in the cloud, they require the right tools and software solutions to help them build and distribute scalable, highly engaging applications and online experiences. Read More […]

AWS – AWS Single Sign-On launches configurable synchronization for Microsoft Active Directory
If you use Microsoft Active Directory (AD) as your identity source with AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO), you can now configure your list of users and groups to synchronize from AD into AWS SSO and pause synchronization. With configurable synchronization, you can synchronize users and groups consistent with your data sovereignty requirements. You can also […]

AWS – Introducing Enterprise Container Management Solutions from AWS Container Competency Partners
Today, we announced the Enterprise Container Management category for the AWS Container Competency. These AWS Partners provide container management products to help customers manage container infrastructure and containerized workloads across different environments. Read More for the details.

GCP – Running Spark on Kubernetes with Dataproc
Apache Spark is now the de facto standard for data engineering, data exploration and machine learning. Just likeKubernetes (k8s), is for automating containerized application deployment, scaling, and management. The open source ecosystem is now converging towards utilizing k8s as the compute platform in addition to YARN. Today, we are announcing the general availability of Dataproc […]
GCP – Automatic data risk management for BigQuery using DLP
Protecting sensitive data and preventing unintended data exposure is critical for businesses. However, many organizations lack the tools to stay on top of where sensitive data resides across their enterprise. It’s particularly concerning when sensitive data shows up in unexpected places – for example, in logs that services generate, when customers inadvertently send it in […]