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Azure – Azure VM insights guest health (preview) will be retired on 30 November 2022
Transition to Azure Monitor log alerts for VM guest health by 30 November 2022. Read More for the details.

GCP – Ingesting GA4 Events for Discovery solutions
Many websites and mobile apps use Google Analytics to measure and analyze the behavior of visitors on their platforms. GA4 is the newest version of Google Analytics. It provides a number of new capabilities, such as an export to BigQuery (BQ) that’s available to all GA users, and a way to stream data to BQ […]

GCP – How Google Cloud and partners can accelerate your migration success
As enterprises accelerate their migration to the cloud, they experience more notable mid- and late-phase migration challenges. Specifically, 41% face challenges when optimizing apps in the cloud post-migration, and 38% struggle with performance issues on workloads migrated to the cloud. Further, organizations have also increased reliance on outside consultants and other service providers for early-stage […]

GCP – The Future of Data: Unified, flexible, and accessible
As the volume of data that people and businesses produce continues to grow exponentially, it goes without saying that data-driven approaches are critical for tech companies and startups across all industries. But our conversations with customers, as well as numerous industry commentaries, reiterate that managing data and extracting value from it remains difficult, especially with […]

AWS – Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) AWS Region
Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is now available in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) AWS Region. Read More for the details.

AWS – Amazon Rekognition launches Face APIs version 6 for improved accuracy
Customers use Amazon Rekognition Face APIs to analyze faces within images and videos at scale without requiring any machine learning expertise. This enables use cases, such as identity verification, photo search, and media analysis. Amazon Rekognition has launched Face APIs version 6 to deliver higher accuracy for the face detection, comparison, and search features. Additionally, face […]

GCP – Now generally available: BigQuery BI Engine supports any BI tool or custom application
Customers who work with data warehouses, running BI on large datasets used to have to pick low latency but trading off freshness of data. With BigQuery BI Engine, they can accelerate their dashboards and reports that connect to BigQuery without having to sacrifice freshness of the data. Using the latest insights helps them make better […]

AWS – AWS Lambda support for Amazon Elastic File System now available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region
AWS Lambda customers can now enable functions to access Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region. With AWS Lambda support for Amazon EFS, customers can easily share data across function invocations, read large reference data files, and write function output to a persistent and shared data store. Read More for […]

AWS – Amazon Lex now supports custom vocabulary
Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interfaces into any application using voice and text. Starting today, you can give Amazon Lex additional information about how to process speech input by creating a custom vocabulary. A custom vocabulary is a list of domain-specific terms or unique words (e.g., brand names, product names) that are […]
AWS – Amazon Connect now supports up to six participants on a customer service call
Amazon Connect now supports up to six participants on a customer service call, enabling you to add all of the parties necessary to efficiently resolve the contact. For example, to help close a mortgage transaction, an agent at a financial services company can add a mortgage broker, the customer’s spouse, a translator, and a supervisor […]