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AWS – AWS Secrets Manager now publishes secrets usage metrics to Amazon CloudWatch
AWS Secrets Manager now publishes a metric to Amazon CloudWatch for the number of secrets in your account. With this feature, you can easily review how many secrets you are using in Secrets Manager. You can also set alarms for an unexpected increase or decrease in number of secrets. Read More for the details.

AWS – Amazon Athena now supports views in Apache Hive metastores
You can now use Amazon Athena to query views stored in your self-managed Apache Hive metastores. Hive views are defined using the Hive Query Language (HiveQL) which is not fully compatible with Athena’s standard SQL. With this new capability, Athena automatically handles HiveQL syntax differences so you can query Hive views without changing your view […]

GCP – Security through collaboration: Building a more secure future with Confidential Computing
At Google Cloud, we believe that the protection of our customers’ sensitive data is paramount, and encryption is a powerful mechanism to help achieve this goal. For years, we have supported encryption in transit when our customers ingest their data to bring it to the cloud. We’ve also long supported encryption at rest, for all […]

AWS – Announcing Amplify Android library (Developer Preview), designed for Kotlin
Today, we are announcing the Developer Preview of the Amplify Android library that has been rewritten for Kotlin. This initial release enables Android developers to add cloud-based app features, including Auth, Storage, DataStore, and APIs for their Kotlin-based Android projects. Developers will benefit from Kotlin-based language features like coroutines. Read More for the details.

AWS – SageMaker Notebook Instances now support the ml.g5 instance family, and Python 3.8 kernels
New upgrades are now available for customers using Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances, including the availability of the ml.g5 GPU instance family, and Python 3.8 support. Read More for the details.

AWS – Announcing three featured FreeRTOS Reference Integrations Projects
We are excited to announce three featured FreeRTOS AWS Reference Integrations. FreeRTOS AWS Reference Integrations are pre-integrated FreeRTOS projects ported to partner-provided microcontroller-based evaluation boards that demonstrate secure end-to-end connectivity to AWS IoT Core. The three featured FreeRTOS Reference Integrations projects are developed in collaboration with our partners Espressif, NXP and STMicroelectronics. Each project uses […]

AWS – Amazon EFS now supports a larger number of concurrent file locks
Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) has increased the maximum number of file locks per NFS mount, enabling customers to use the service for a broader set of workloads that leverage high volumes of simultaneous locks, including message brokers and distributed analytics applications. Read More for the details.

GCP – 3co reinvents the digital shopping experience with augmented reality on Google Cloud
Giving people as close to a “try-before-you-buy” experience is essential for retailers. With the move to online shopping further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are now comfortable shopping online for items they previously only considered buying in stores. The problem for shoppers is that it still can be difficult to get what feels […]

AWS – Introducing more flexible AWS Device Qualification Program for FreeRTOS
Introducing an updated and more flexible AWS Device Qualification Program (DQP) for FreeRTOS that aligns with the modular structure of the latest FreeRTOS and Long Term Support (LTS) library releases. The AWS DQP for FreeRTOS allows microcontroller (MCU) vendors to verify their integration of FreeRTOS AWS IoT libraries running on a specific MCU-based development board […]
AWS – AWS announces support for Android, iOS, and MacOS games with AWS GameKit for Unreal Engine
AWS GameKit is now extended to support Android, iOS, and macOS games developed with Unreal Engine. AWS GameKit, launched on March 23, 2022, gives game developers a powerful tool set to quickly and easily build AWS powered game features directly from the Unreal Editor. With today’s update, the AWS GameKit plugin for Unreal Engine now […]