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GCP – Four back-to-school and off-to-college consumer trends retailers should know
Is it September yet? Hardly! School is barely out for the summer. But according to Google and Quantum Metric research, the back-to-school and off-to-college shopping season – which in the U.S. is second only to the holidays in terms of purchasing volume1 – has already begun. For retailers, that means planning for this peak season […]

AWS – Amazon Aurora now supports PostgreSQL 14
Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition now supports PostgreSQL major version 14 (14.3). PostgreSQL 14 includes performance improvements for parallel queries, heavily-concurrent workloads, partitioned tables, logical replication, and vacuuming. PostgreSQL 14 also improves functionality with new capabilities. For example, you can cancel long-running queries if a client disconnects and you can close idle sessions if they time out. […]

AWS – AWS Site-to-Site VPN introduces Private IP VPNs for enhanced security and privacy
Starting today, AWS Site-to-Site VPN supports the ability to deploy IPSec VPN connections over Direct Connect using private IP addresses. With this change, customers can encrypt DX traffic between their on-premises network and AWS without the need for public IP addresses, thus enabling enhanced security and network privacy at the same time. Read More for […]

Azure – Public preview: Durable Functions for Java
Durable Functions are now supported when building Java applications in Azure Functions. Read More for the details.

GCP – Google Cloud Security Overview
When you think about Cloud Security there are many areas of responsibility – securing infrastructure, network, data, applications, and managing identities and access. There are also ongoing processes for security operations and governance, risk & compliance management. But the best part of building your application on cloud is that you share the security responsibility with […]

AWS – AWS Fargate now fully supports multiline logging powered by AWS for Fluent Bit
Amazon ECS now fully supports multiline logging powered by AWS for Fluent Bit for both AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2. AWS Fluent Bit is an AWS distribution of the open-source project Fluent Bit, a fast and a lightweight log forwarder. Amazon ECS users can use this feature to re-combine partial log messages produced by your […]

AWS – Amazon Textract announces quality update to its Forms extraction feature
Amazon Textract is a machine learning service that automatically extracts text, handwriting, and data from any document or image. We continuously improve the underlying machine learning models based on customer feedback to provide even better accuracy. Today, we are pleased to announce a quality enhancement to our Forms extraction feature. Read More for the details.

Azure – General availability: Azure GitOps with Flux v2
Announcing the general availability of GitOps with Flux v2 in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes (Arc K8s). Read More for the details.

Azure – General availability: LDAP signing
Feature has reached general availability. Read More for the details.
AWS – AWS IoT ExpressLink is now generally available
We are excited to announce the general availability of hardware connectivity modules powered by AWS IoT ExpressLink, which are developed and offered by AWS Partners such as Espressif, Infineon, and u-blox. These modules enable easy AWS cloud-connectivity and implement AWS-mandated security requirements for device to cloud connections. Integrating these wireless modules into their hardware design, […]