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AWS – Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall now supports Domain Redirection
Starting today, you can enable Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall to automatically skip the inspection of domains included in a domain redirection chain, such as Canonical Name (CNAME) and Delegation Name (DNAME), thus avoiding the need to explicitly specify each domain from the chain in your Route 53 DNS Firewall rules when allow-listing domains. Read […]

AWS – New feature for Amazon Connect Contact Lens agent screen recording
You can now enable agent screen recording when your VDI environment is configured to allow multiple agents to connect concurrently to the same Windows instance (multi-session VDI). This makes it even easier and more cost effective for you to help agents improve their performance when using Amazon Connect in a multi-session VDI environment. Read More […]

AWS – Amazon CloudWatch launches resource filtering for cross-account observability
Amazon CloudWatch is excited to announce a resource filtering capability for cross-account observability, providing customers with the flexibility to share a subset of their logs or metrics across multiple AWS accounts using configurable filters. Read More for the details.

AWS – Amazon EFS increases maximum per-client throughput to 1.5 GiB/s
Amazon EFS file systems now support up to 1.5 GiB/s of throughput per client, a 3x increase over the previous limit of 500 MiB/s. With this launch, you now have a simpler way to run throughput-intensive file workloads on AWS. Read More for the details.

AWS – Amazon EMR Serverless introduces Shuffle-optimized disks delivering improved performance for I/O intensive workloads
Amazon EMR Serverless is a serverless option in Amazon EMR that makes it simple for data engineers and data scientists to run open-source big data analytics frameworks without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters or servers. An EMR Serverless application uses workers to execute workloads, allowing users to configure ephemeral storage per worker based on the […]

GCP – Auto-upgrades for Config Sync in GKE Enterprise now in preview
Config Sync, Google Cloud’s fully managed GitOps offering for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Enterprise edition, lets cluster operators and platform administrators deploy configurations and applications from a source of truth. And today, we’re announcing a new auto-upgrades feature in preview, letting you automatically upgrade Config Sync versions and oversee the lifecycle of Config Sync components. […]

GCP – Enhancing iEEG seizure identification and similarity search with Google Cloud
Globally, epilepsy affects approximately 50 million people. Located in Mountain View, CA, NeuroPace, Inc.1 is committed to transforming the lives of those living with epilepsy by reducing or eliminating their seizures. The company’s RNS® System,2 a responsive neurostimulation device, monitors brain activity to detect seizure precursors and delivers targeted electrical stimulation to prevent seizures. This […]

GCP – Managing Cloud Storage soft delete at scale
Have you ever accidentally deleted your data? Unfortunately, many of us have, which is why most operating systems on personal computers have a recycle bin / trash can where you can go to get your files back. On the enterprise side, these accidental deletions can be at a much larger scale – sometimes involving millions […]

GCP – Uncharmed: Untangling Iran’s APT42 Operations
Written by: Ofir Rozmann, Asli Koksal, Adrian Hernandez, Sarah Bock, Jonathan Leathery APT42, an Iranian state-sponsored cyber espionage actor, is using enhanced social engineering schemes to gain access to victim networks, including cloud environments. The actor is targeting Western and Middle Eastern NGOs, media organizations, academia, legal services and activists. Mandiant assesses APT42 operates […]
GCP – Google is a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud AI Developer Services
For the fifth consecutive year, Gartner® has named Google as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud AI Developer Services (CAIDS). We believe this is a testament to our history of offering innovative AI products and delivering continuous improvement for our customers. Download the complimentary 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud AI Developer Services […]