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Technical Thursday – Positive news regarding Azure VNet Peering
Since I am working with Azure one of biggest problem was the connection across subscriptions. Although you can use several features to achieve this state such as Site-To-Site VPN, vNet-To-vNet peering, they have some serious limitations. From my side the most relevant is vNet-To-vNet peering whose biggest limitations the regions where you can make a […]

Technical Thursday – Ansible and Azure (initiative)
Automation. It is a nice topic and it is important day by day to make our life easier. There are several very good tools for automation such as Puppet, Chef, Ansible. I would like to start a serie which covers several topics regarding Azure management with Ansible. This is the first article in this serie. […]

Technical Thursday – Include external file with GoLang
In this week I would like to show a sensitive and important thing in GoLang which answers some questions and solve your problems if you just started development in Go(Lang). When I started this – parellel with python – I was confused and I had some concerns about this language. (I still have some […]

Technical Thursday – JSON outputs in Python
Outputs, output formatting…this is a quite interesting topic during your development activities. Every time when you create a function you want to provide reusable code with excellent outputs…but how can you achieve this? Maybe you feel this is a simple question and the answer is also simple. Nevertheless you realize some weeks later this is […]

Technical Thursday – Lightweight WebUI with Bottle for Python scripts
When you have many python scripts and several very useful feature inside them maybe you are thinking about it: whether can I make a WebUI over them? Then you realize you are not a web developer and you have never made WebUI. So you feel you have to spend hundreds of hours to learn web […]

Technical Thursday – Restore VM from RSV – unmanaged disk (with amaretto)
I know…this is another restore related post for unmanaged disk. I promise this is the last in this period… 🙂 So the concept is here for restore and you can find here the previous unmanaged disk related restore with several scripts. (the managed disk related steps are here) Now I would like to show you […]

Technical Thursday – Restore VM from RSV – managed disk
Last week I provided the unmanaged disk related restore description which based on the concept for restore and now I show the managed disk related restore steps on technical level. Some useful information before you start the restore: Required naming convention OS disk and Data disks related vhds must be in the following format: […]

AMArETTo is not an Italian liqueurs
In the last some weeks I have been working an Azure tool collection which could be useful for everyone who wants to do cool things in Azure. The result of it a python package which will be expanded day-by-day. In this article I would like to provide it to you for testing or everyday usage. […]

Technical Thursday – Restore VM from RSV – unmanaged disk
As I promised last week I provide some materials for unmanaged disk based VM restore from Recovery Services vault. Last week I posted the concept for restore and now I show the most important steps on technical level. Some useful information before you start the restore: Required naming convention OS disk and Data disks related […]
Significant changes in AzureRm cmdlet
One day before Valentine’s Day was published the AzureRM 5.3.0 which contains a significant changes. This shows us the Microsoft wants to change the “AzureRmAccount” related commands in PowerShell. Important! * ‘Add-AzureRmAccount’ has been renamed as ‘Connect-AzureRmAccount’; an alias has been added for the old cmdlet name, and other aliases (‘Login-AzAccount’ and ‘Login-AzureRmAccount’) have been […]