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AWS – Amazon Kendra launches confidence scores
Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and easy to use enterprise search service powered by machine learning. Starting today, AWS customers can use confidence scores in Amazon Kendra to improve the search experience and show the most relevant results for user queries. Read More for the details.

AWS – AWS X-Ray launches Auto-Instrumentation Agent for Java
Today, AWS X-Ray is launching the Java auto-instrumentation agent, enabling customers to collect trace data without having to modify existing Java-based applications. With the launch of the auto-instrumentation agent, you can trace Java web-and servlet-based applications with minimal configuration change and no code change. Read More for the details.

AWS – AWS X-Ray launches anomaly detection-based actionable insights in preview
Today, AWS X-Ray launches in preview X-Ray Insights, which uses anomaly detection to create actionable insights about any anomalies in an application. With X-Ray Insights, you can proactively identify issues signaled by increases in the fault rate of an application. Read More for the details.

Azure – Begin migrating your codespaces to GitHub Codespaces
To simplify our user experience, Visual Studio Codespaces is transitioning to GitHub Codespaces, and the current Azure service will retire on 17 February 2021. Read More for the details.

GCP – An AI gold mine: What happened at Google Cloud Next ‘20 OnAir
AI and machine learning (ML) tools and solutions are fundamentally changing how businesses are run. Soon, organizations that are not using AI will be at a disadvantage from those that do and applications that are not AI-powered may feel broken. This week at Google Cloud Next ’20: OnAir we explored how Cloud AI is empowering […]

AWS – Amazon CloudFront announces support for TLSv1.3 for viewer connections
Amazon CloudFront now supports TLSv1.3 for improved performance and security. Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) that enables you to securely distribute content to viewers with low latency and high availability. Amazon CloudFront supports HTTPS using Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt and secure communication between your viewer clients and CloudFront. TLSv1.3 […]

AWS – Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL supports rdkit extension
Starting today, Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL supports the RDKit extension. The RDKit extension allows cheminformatics to deal with manipulation of chemical structures, fingerprinting search functions and molecular structure matching. Using PostgreSQL as a datastore, you can interact with several built-in functions to compare, manipulate and identify molecular structures via standard SQL. Read More for the details.

AWS – Amazon Aurora supports PostgreSQL 11.8, 10.13 and 9.6.16
Following the announcement of updates to the PostgreSQL database by the open source community, we have updated Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility to support PostgreSQL version 11.8, 10.13 and 9.6.16 in all regions. This release contains bug fixes and improvements by the PostgreSQL community, and improved TLS support from PG12. Read More for the details.

AWS – AWS Step Functions increases payload size to 256KB
AWS Step Functions now supports payload sizes up to 256KB. Previously, the limit was 32,768 characters. Now, you can pass larger payloads in your standard and express workflows, allowing Step Functions to seamlessly coordinate multiple services like AWS Lambda, Amazon SNS, and Amazon SQS that already support larger payloads. Read More for the details.
AWS – AWS Elemental MediaLive adds AVC UHD outputs
AWS Elemental MediaLive now supports Advanced Video Coding (AVC) for ultra-high definition (UHD) outputs. This allows you to incorporate an AVC UHD output in your adaptive bitrate (ABR) stacks for live channels; for example, you can create an ABR stack with one AVC output with a UHD resolution of 3840×2160, along with 1440p, 1080p, and […]