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Azure – IoT Hub TLS certificate update
Microsoft is updating Azure services in a phased manner to use TLS certificates from a different set of Certificate Authorities. Read More for the details.

GCP – BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. brings PAC-MAN™ to the real world in PAC-MAN GEO™
From the time Google Maps Platform gaming solution was first announced in 2018, game developers from studios of all sizes have been excited by the potential of using it to bring their ideas to life in ways never before possible. With worldwide coverage of hundreds of millions of 3D building geometries and urban settings like […]

GCP – Analytics get smarter for SAP customers with Informatica and Google Cloud
Like many businesses around the world, SAP customers are adapting to new realities brought about not only by the current health crisis, but also by sudden competitive landscape shifts. As they pivot their business models and face major decisions, they need the ability to dig into massive amounts of data using analytics. But integrating enterprise […]

GCP – Lost in translation: encryption, key management, and real security
Being compliant does not mean you’re secure. The definition of “being secure” varies too much across industries, organizations, and threat profiles—secure against what?—to ever match an external checklist. Because of this, compliance and security have developed a peculiar relationship. Regulation is meant to provide guidance, through accepted best practices, from the body of knowledge for […]

GCP – Faster, more powerful apps for everyone: What happened at Next OnAir this week
Week nine ofGoogle Cloud Next ‘20: OnAir is in the books—and what a week it was! From Google Cloud GM/VP Amit Zavery’s keynote to product announcements to customer demos to Google SVP Urs Hölzle presentation and Q&A, we explored multiple ways enterprises are leveraging APIs and no-code application development to accelerate their digital transformations. There […]

Azure – Azure Sphere OS update 20.09 is now available for compatibility testing
The Azure Sphere 20.09 OS quality update is now available for evaluation via the Retail Eval feed. Read More for the details.

AWS – AWS Single Sign-On adds account assignment APIs and AWS CloudFormation support to automate multi-account access management
AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) adds new account assignment APIs and AWS CloudFormation support to automate access across AWS Organizations accounts. You can also use the APIs to retrieve permissions programmatically for audit and governance purposes. The new release enables you to automate control of the AWS SSO central permissions, making it easier to manage access […]

AWS – Amazon WorkSpaces introduces support for cross-Region redirection
Amazon WorkSpaces now allows you to use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as your Amazon WorkSpaces registration code. When your end users log in to WorkSpaces, you can then redirect them across Amazon WorkSpaces Regions based on your Domain Name System (DNS) policies for the FQDN. Amazon WorkSpaces cross-Region redirection works with both public […]

AWS – Build Amazon Chime SDK web applications with the React user interface framework
Starting today, web developers can use the Amazon Chime SDK React Component Library to simplify implementation of common user experiences, for example device selection and local video preview, in their real-time voice, video, and screen sharing web applications. By building with higher-level components, developers can focus on customizing their application while reducing investments in complex […]
AWS – Amazon Redshift now supports 100K tables in a single cluster
Amazon Redshift now supports up to 100K tables in a single cluster for clusters with DC2.8XL, DS2.8XL, RA3.4XL, and RA3.16XL node types. This feature is intended for customers with workloads that require a large number of tables to run with Amazon Redshift without having to split the tables across clusters or storing them in Amazon […]