Let’s make sure we are sustainable – Azure
Nowadays, the environmental awareness is critical. I hope you do more and more for your and our environment and to decrease your carbon footprint. Additionally I am sure you do several efforts for sustainability. It’s also very important for me because I would like to save our planet earth. 🙂
This behavior appears in my job. How? I spend more time to design the optimal architecture. And I try to avoid to build over-sized systems in cloud.
Nevertheless, what about the Enterprises? What do you think? Do they efforts for sustainability?
I know the answer is yes. Nevertheless, the carbon footprint calculation (and measurement) in the cloud is very difficult because we don’t have access to the hardware equipment. Obviously there are some methods how you can estimate your cloud resources related carbon emissions. Unfortunately this could be far from the real life.
But! From now you can get a new tool from Microsoft for Azure. This tool is the Microsoft Sustainability Calculator.

AS you can read in Microsoft announcement from January 2020: “Microsoft has been investing to reduce environmental impact while supporting the digital transformation of organizations around the world through cloud services.” This is a great news though this is just the beginning. I am sure this is not perfect yet. Nevertheless this calculation could be closer to real values, and accordingly you can start to the right direction to your company will be more environmentally conscious.
It is cool, isn’t it?
If you would like to start to calculate your carbon emission you can start here: Microsoft Sustainability Calculator
Additionally you can find some extra information in Microsoft Sustainability Calculator helps enterprises analyze the carbon emissions of their IT infrastructure article.
Before I finish this article you must know an important information about this tool with you: “The Microsoft Sustainability Calculator runs on Power BI Pro.”
My suggestion to start to test this tool on your development subscription then show the result to your managers. 🙂

Save planet earth!