Run benchmark
Now that you have your data loaded and command chosen, you can run the benchmark test. Adjust the number of processes and instances to execute YCSB according to the load amount. In order to identify performance bottlenecks, you need to look at multiple metrics. Here are the typical indicators to investigate:
YCSB outputs latency statistics such as average, min, max, 95th and 99th percentile for each operation such as READ(GET) and UPDATE(SET). We recommend using 95th percentile or 99th percentile for the latency metrics, according to customer service-level agreement (SLA).
You can use throughput for overall operation, which YCSB outputs.
Resource usage metrics
You can check resource usage metrics such as CPU utilization, memory usage, network bytes in/out, and cache-hit ratio using Cloud Monitoring.
Performance tuning best practices for Memorystore
Now that you’ve run your benchmarks, you should tune your Memorystore using the benchmark results.
Depending on your results, you may need to remove a bottleneck and improve performance of your Memorystore instance. Since Memorystore is a fully managed service, various parameters are optimized in advance, but there are still items that you can tune based on your particular use case.
There are a few common areas of optimization:
Data storing optimizations
Optimizing the way to store data not only saves memory usage, but also reduces I/O and network bandwidth.
Compress data
Compressing data often results in significant savings in memory usage and network bandwidth.
We recommend Snappy and LZO tools for latency-sensitive cases, and GZIP for maximum compression rate. Learn more details.
JSON to MessagePack
Msgpack and protocol buffers have schemas like JSON and are more compact than JSON. And Lua scripts has support for MessagePack.
Use Hash data structure
Hash data structure can reduce memory usage. For example, suppose you have data stored by the query SET “date:20200501” “hoge”
. If you have a lot of data that’s keyed by such consecutive dates, you may be able to reduce the memory usage that dictionary encoding requires by storing it as HSET “month:202005” “01” “hoge”
. But note that it can cause high CPU utilization when the value of hash-map-ziplist-entries
is too high. See here for more details.
Keep instance size small enough
The memory size of a Memorystore instance can be up to 300GB. However, data larger than 100GB may be too large for a single instance to handle, and performance may degrade due to a CPU bottleneck. In such cases, we recommend creating multiple instances with small amounts of memory, distributing them, and changing their access points using keys on the application side.
Memory management
Effective use of memory is important not only in terms of performance tuning, but also in order to keep your Memorystore instance running stably without errors such as out of memory (OOM). There are a few techniques you can use to manage memory:
Set eviction policies
Eviction policies are rules to evict data when the Memorystore instance memory is full. You can increase the cache hit ratio by specifying these parameters appropriately. There are the following three groups of eviction policies:
Noeviction: Returns an error if the memory limit has been reached when trying to insert more data
Allkeys-XXX: Evicts chosen data out of all keys. XXX is the algorithm name to select the data to be evicted.
Volatile-XXX: evicts chosen data out of all keys with an “expire” field set. XXX is the algorithm name to select the data to be evicted.
is the default for Memorystore. Change the algorithm of data selection for eviction and TTL of data. See here for more details.
Memory defragmentation
Memory fragmentation happens when the operating system allocates memory pages, which Redis cannot fully utilize after repeated write and delete operations. The accumulation of such pages can result in the system running out of memory and eventually causes the Redis server to crash.
If your instances run Redis version 4.0 or higher, you can turn on activedefrag
parameter for your instance. Active Defrag 2 has a smarter strategy and is part of Redis version 5.0. Note that this feature is a tradeoff with CPU usage. See here for more details.
Upgrade Redis version
As we mentioned above, activedefrag
parameter is only available in Redis version 4.0 or later, and version 5.0 has a better strategy. In general, with the newer version of Redis, you can reap the benefits of performance optimization in many ways, not just in memory management. If your Redis version is 3.2, consider upgrading to 4.0 or higher.
Query optimizations
Since query optimization can be performed on the client side and doesn’t involve any changes to the instance, it’s the easiest way to optimize an existing application that uses Memorystore.
Note that the effect of query optimization cannot be checked with YCSB, so run your query in your environment and check the latency and throughput.
Use pipelining and mget/mset
When multiple queries are executed in succession, network traffic caused by round trips can become a latency bottleneck. In such cases, using pipelining or aggregated commands such as MSET/MGET is recommended.
Avoid heavy commands on many elements
You can monitor slow commands using slowlog command. SORT, LREM, and SUNION, which use many elements, can be computationally expensive. Check if there are problems with these slow commands, and if there are, consider reducing these operations.
Monitoring Memorystore using Cloud Monitoring
Finally, let’s discuss resource monitoring for predicting performance degradation of existing systems. You can monitor the resource status of Memorystore using Cloud Monitoring.
Even when you benchmark Memorystore before deploying, the performance of Memorystore in production may degrade due to various influences such as system growth and changes of usage trends. In order to predict such performance degradation at an early stage, you can create a system that will alert you or scale the system automatically, when the state of the resource exceeds a certain threshold.