Docker in GitHub Actions
I am sure you know the automation actions in GitHub. Official definition by GitHub:
Automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows right in your repository with GitHub Actions.
GitHub Actions are small tasks which help you to create customized workflows. With them you can step up to the highest level of development automation.
You can find several useful actions on GitHub Marketplace which support your efforts toward to better automation.
Additionally 2 days ago Docker announced that they had released their first GitHub Action. You can find some details here.
As you can see the example is simple and easy to follow regarding their approach. Obviously, this is not enough to achieve your goals quickly so I would like to provide some useful links where you will find the related information for a good start:
- GitHub Actions Documentation
- Creating a Docker container action
- Publishes docker containers
- GitHub Actions
- Getting Started with GitHub Actions in Visual Studio
If you have a cool suggestion regarding GitHub Action please share with us.
Have a well automated day. đŸ™‚