Technical Thursday – Azure PowerShell on Linux
We are waiting for ages to this news…From now we can use Azure PowerShel on Linux and macOS.
In the past we was able to install PowerShell to our Linux but we did not have chance to manage Azure from PowerShell on Linux. Although “both PowerShell Core v6 and Azure PowerShell for .NET Core are still in beta” this is a milestone which brings closer Windows and Linux worlds.
You can find an article on Azure site about the installation and configuration.
This page begins with installation steps first where you can find the “Start PowerShell” part. I have a suggestion there for the very first execution. Run that with root (sudo):
# Start PowerShell sudo pwsh
It is important because without it you cannot install AzureRM.NetCore module ( don't have the required permissions.
Login to Azure
As you can find in the article uses url for finalize the Login process. It works fine. To be honest I’d like to use the credential based login:
# Get credential data from user (username and password) $credential = Get-Credential # Login to Azure MDC Login-AzureRMAccount -Environment AzureGermanCloud -Credential $credential
Let’s discover the opportunities of this new mixed world.