Welcome to above the clouds
AMArETTo is not an Italian liqueurs
In the last some weeks I have been working an Azure tool collection which could be useful for everyone who wants to do cool things in Azure. The result of it a python package which will be expanded day-by-day. In this article I would like to provide it to you for testing or everyday usage. […]
Technical Thursday – Restore VM from RSV – unmanaged disk
As I promised last week I provide some materials for unmanaged disk based VM restore from Recovery Services vault. Last week I posted the concept for restore and now I show the most important steps on technical level. Some useful information before you start the restore: Required naming convention OS disk and Data disks related […]
Significant changes in AzureRm cmdlet
One day before Valentine’s Day was published the AzureRM 5.3.0 which contains a significant changes. This shows us the Microsoft wants to change the “AzureRmAccount” related commands in PowerShell. Important! * ‘Add-AzureRmAccount’ has been renamed as ‘Connect-AzureRmAccount’; an alias has been added for the old cmdlet name, and other aliases (‘Login-AzAccount’ and ‘Login-AzureRmAccount’) have been […]
Technical Thursday – Restore VM from Recovery Services vaults (concept)
There is a sensitive topic which is important for business and IT as well. This is the BCM (Business Continuity Management). And its technical part the DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) which related for us now. This is the topic which could cause some sleepless nights for us. Then you hear the cloud solve your and […]
Technical Thursday – IF statements in ARM template
Today I would like to show you a cool feature of ARM Template which “changed the world”. Although this feature has been available since last September I felt I must say some words about it. In the past when we wanted to make a little bit complex solution where we had to choose one or […]
Technical Thursday – Store “monster” files in Azure for anonymous access
In this week I would like to show you a cool feature of Azure Storage Account. A really useful function which makes our life easier if we want to store monster size files such as for blog, download. Additionally this is almost free… 🙂 Often you are facing that situation when you would like to […]
Technical Thursday – Azure PowerShell on Linux
We are waiting for ages to this news…From now we can use Azure PowerShel on Linux and macOS. In the past we was able to install PowerShell to our Linux but we did not have chance to manage Azure from PowerShell on Linux. Although “both PowerShell Core v6 and Azure PowerShell for .NET Core are […]
Technical Thursday – Initialization
Hi Everyone, Today is a new day in our life. I would like to start a serie which will provide you interesting and exciting topics from different areas of IT, every week. I hope you will enjoy this serie… You can find all related posts in Technical Thursday category.
Installation of Azure Monitoring libraries for python
Sometimes you need a “strong” tool for Azure management and Azure Monitoring. In this case you have the Azure Monitoring libraries for python which could be installed with pip install azure-mgmt-monitor. Then when you are lucky you can use it immediately (MS documentation here). What happens if you are facing an unexpected issue when you […]
I would like to say thank you for the support and the cooperation in 2017. It was a great year! I have created a small and fun gift for you which is of course related with Azure…Merely you should follow the next steps: Download this ARM Template: https://the1bitwebapps.blob.core.windows.net/other/merryXmas.json Open a browser and login to […]