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Azure – Configuration
 Azure Documentation Center (ADC) Very good and useful documentation for Azure services
 Create a VM with multiple NICs If you need more than one NIC
How to add a NIC to an Azure Virtual Machine (ARM) If you want to add a new NIC to your VM
Add or change an ARM Virtual Machine’s Availability Set If you want to modify the Availability groups and the VMs
Back up Azure virtual machine disks with incremental snapshots Some backup scenarios
Use Blob snapshots with Azure IaaS VMs? Create VHD snapshot from powershell
Delete a Blob snapshot in Azure Delete VHD snapshot from powershell
Linux Recovery: Cannot SSH to Linux VM due to FSTAB errors. Delete VM, fix disk settings, re-create VM from powershell
MS Operations Management Suite Survival Guide Free VM management and monitoring tool by Microsoft
Virtual Machine Scale Sets Overview Scaling for IAAS as well
Create a DNS zone using Powershell Some useful scripting commands for create DNS zones in Azure
Install the Azure CLI You can find here the steps for Azure-Cli installation. You can find some additional steps for Linux in this post.
Connect to an Azure subscription from the Azure Command-Line Interface (Azure CLI) How to connect to your Azure subscribtion(s) from Azure-Cli
Azure CLI commands in Resource Manager mode Several very useful commands to manage your Azure services from Azure-Cli
Understand load balancer probes Useful knowledge for Azure LB
Creating an Internet-facing load balancer in Resource Manager by using PowerShell Useful knowledge for Azure LB
Using PowerShell to create Azure NSGs Useful knowledge for Azure NSG from PowerShell
Azure – Knowledge
Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints Check the limitation of Azure subscriptions
Sizes for virtual machines in Azure What is the best size of VM?
 Windows Azure IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS What is Windows Azure IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
 Windows Azure – IaaS vs PaaS Windows Azure’s offers multiple categories and this article goes through with couple of them
 Which Windows Azure Cloud Architecture? PaaS or IaaS ? This post covers a few observations about PaaS, IaaS
Select Linux VM images with the Azure CLI List of Linux in Azure
Azure Security Center A good opportunity to manage your environment security in Azure
Multiple VIPs for Azure Load Balancer Useful knowledge for Azure LB
Azure – on Linux
Install PowerShell in CentOS 7
wget -N
yum install powershell-6.0.0_alpha.9-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm

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