AWS – AWS IoT Device Management and AWS IoT Device Defender now support monitoring device metrics via ListMetricValues API
Today, we are pleased to announce the general availability of IoT Device Defender ListMetricValues API. Customers can now access historical device-side, cloud-side, and custom metrics from connected devices that belong to a security profile using ListMetricValues API. In addition to viewing the data in the AWS IoT management console, customers now have the flexibility to programmatically monitor and build their own visualization. What’s more, we have made the AWS IoT Device Defender metrics visualization available in Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management. This enhancement enables customers to view the defender metrics together with other device and fleet level data for issue diagnosis and fleet management in Fleet Hub as a one-stop shop. This new API and the integration with Fleet Hub are available in AWS Global Regions where AWS IoT Device Defender and Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management are available.
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