AWS – AWS Graviton2-based Amazon EC2 M6g, M6gd, C6g, and R6g are now available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) region
Starting today, Amazon EC2 M6g, M6gd, C6g, and R6g instances powered by AWS Graviton2 processors are available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) region. AWS Graviton2-based instances provide up to 40% better price performance over comparable x86-based instances. M6g and M6gd instances are ideal for general purpose workloads such as application servers, microservices, mid-size data stores, and caching fleets. C6g instances are ideal for compute-intensive workloads such as high performance computing (HPC), batch processing, ad serving, video encoding, gaming, distributed analytics, and CPU-based machine learning. The local SSD storage provided on M6gd instances is ideal for applications that need access to high-speed, low latency storage of data such as caching, logs, and scratch files. R6g instances are ideal for memory-intensive applications such as open-source databases, in-memory caches, and real time big data analytics.
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