AWS – AWS Config now supports a service-linked recorder
AWS Config added support for a service-linked recorder, a new type of AWS Config recorder that is managed by an AWS service and can record configuration data on service-specific resources, such as the new Amazon CloudWatch telemetry configurations audit. By enabling the service-linked recorder in Amazon CloudWatch, you gain centralized visibility into critical AWS service telemetry configurations, such as Amazon VPC Flow Logs, Amazon EC2 Detailed Metrics, and AWS Lambda Traces.
With service-linked recorders, an AWS service can deploy and manage an AWS Config recorder on your behalf to discover resources and utilize the configuration data to provide differentiated features. For example, an Amazon CloudWatch managed service-linked recorder helps you identify monitoring gaps within specific critical resources within your organization, providing a centralized, single-pane view of telemetry configuration status. Service-linked recorders are immutable to ensure consistency, prevention of configuration drift, and simplified experience. Service-linked recorders operate independently of any existing AWS Config recorder, if one is enabled. This allows you to independently manage your AWS Config recorder for your specific use cases while authorized AWS services can manage the service-linked recorder for feature specific requirements.
Amazon CloudWatch managed service-linked recorder is now available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), US East (Ohio), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney) Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Stockholm) regions. The AWS Config service-linked recorder specific to Amazon CloudWatch telemetry configuration feature is available to customers at no additional cost.
To learn more, please refer to our documentation.
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