AWS – AWS Client VPN increases authorization rules and route quotas
Today, AWS announces increased quotas for AWS Client VPN, expanding routes per target network association to 100 and authorization rules per endpoint to 200.
AWS Client VPN allows you to securely manage network routing and access control for your VPN connections. Previously, you were given default quota of 10 routes per association and 50 authorization rules per endpoint. With this quota increase, you can now configure up to 100 routes per association and 200 rules per endpoint. For example, enterprises with distributed architectures can define specific routing paths for multiple subnets across development, staging, and production environments, providing greater flexibility and granular control over network traffic flows.
These new quotas are default configurations and can be adjusted to a higher limit as well. These default quotas are automatically applied to all new and existing Client VPN endpoints. This enhancement is available at no additional cost in all AWS Regions where AWS Client VPN is generally available.
To learn more about Client VPN:
- Read the AWS Client VPN quotas page
- Visit the AWS Client VPN product page
- Read the AWS Client VPN documentation
Read More for the details.