AWS – Amazon Application Recovery Controller announces AWS FIS recovery action for zonal autoshift
AWS Fault Injection Service (FIS) now supports a recovery action for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC) zonal autoshift. A recovery action is a new FIS action type that allows customers to demonstrate how AWS responds during an availability incident. For example, when AWS detects potential infrastructure issues in an Availability Zone (AZ), such as power or network disruptions, zonal autoshift automatically shifts traffic away from the AZ. With the new FIS recovery action, customers that have enabled zonal autoshift can run the FIS AZ Availability: Power Interruption scenario to induce the expected symptoms of a complete interruption of power in an AZ and demonstrate how AWS would trigger zonal autoshift. This allows customers to tune their monitoring and recovery process to improve resiliency and application availability.
The FIS AZ Availability: Power Interruption scenario now includes the expected recovery from zonal autoshift in addition to the power interruption symptoms, including loss of zonal compute (Amazon EC2, EKS, and ECS), RDS and ElastiCache failover, and more. Running the scenario lets customers test and build confidence that their application responds as intended when an AZ is unavailable.
To get started, select the AZ Availability: Power Interruption scenario from the FIS scenario library. The action is available in all AWS Regions where FIS and zonal autoshift are available, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. To learn more, visit the documentation.
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